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《邑錡》(Brinno)在2003年成立,初期專注於工業設計,經歷多年積累,在電子行業裏躋身於“頂級專業設計企業”的行列,贏得世界一流高科技公司的認可與信任, ...
Brinno started its design business in 2003, and has built a hard won reputation as a professional design power house with a solid clientele of world class tech firms. In 2009, Brinno envisioned future high growth of imaging market, particularly the potentials of time lapse video footages/clips for instant sharing, benefiting from improving broadband speed and easy cloud storage. The firm has since leveraged its deep design experience plus image processing and power saving technologies to produce a family of logoed time lapse cams that can be widely used both in business and at leisure. We are the first mover focusing on the time lapse photography advancements. We develop hardware and software solutions, and put them into one digital device to transform complicated, expensive and time-consuming time lapse photo taking into simple, cheaper and user-friendly expe...
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