威臣科技股份有限公司(WINSTREAM) | 全台上櫃股票資訊網
公司資訊 公司簡介 本公司以創新為經營主軸,開發各類電子產品,產品分為兩大領域, 一是:各種多功能充電機,微型發電機,太陽能Inverter 。 二是:UPS(不斷電系統) 三:水素系列..等創新產品。 企業藉由創新產品的發展,增加附加價值, 繼而使參與其中的每個成員找到自我價值,並惜緣惜福共創未來。 歡迎住深坑、木柵、新店等附近的優秀人才加入我們!本公司專營日本市場的創新產品,沒有企圖心、責任心與熱情的人請不要來. 我們非常歡迎勇於學習與挑戰的人加入Value-Up的團隊.
Winstream power brand UPS are engineered and manufactured in our production offices in Taiwan, and supplied to OEM/ODM dealers worldwide, delivering superior quality, yet affordable uninterruptible power supplies with post sales support and marketing assistance designed specifically to each customers needs and requirements. We can even custom manufacture UPS according to your engineering specifications Our award winning range of online, standby, and line interactive UPS are ideally tailored to protect your computer workstations, LANs, hospital devices, telecommunication, traffic control and more. Ou...
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